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P: (03) 5477 2100
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Patients and Visitors

EWHS staff are trained to provide you with a high standard of care. They have the experience and understanding to assist you in answering any questions you may have regarding your planned or emergency admission.

If you have any questions at all relating to your admission, please call:

St Arnaud

P: 5477 2100


P: 5477 7100


P: 5477 6800


P: 5478 6200


P: 5478 0700

Visiting our services

Due to COVID-19 visiting restrictions are subject to change, if you are travelling, it is a good idea to call reception ahead before visiting on:

  • St Arnaud – 5477 2111
  • Donald – 5478 6200
  • Birchip – 5477 7100
  • Wycheproof – 5478 0700
  • Charlton – 5477 6800

Visiting requirements

Masks are now optional for visitors except when they are visiting a patient with coronavirus (COVID-19) or other respiratory illnesses. Masks are available at entry to our campuses. 

Acute care
7 days a week.

Urgent Care Centres
One support person only allowed with a patient presenting to Urgent Care Centres.

Visiting our aged care facilities
A Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) is to be completed upon entry into any of our ages care facilities with a negative result. Regular visitors can complete a RAT twice a week and not more than 3 days apart.
Masks are now optional for all visitors, except when they are visiting a patient with coronavirus (COVID-19) or other respiratory illnesses.

People who have tested positive, been in close contact of someone who has tested positive in the past 7 days or have respiratory symptoms should not attend the health services.

Important – when visiting is not allowed

Individuals MUST NOT visit anyone in a hospital or aged care facility, if they:

  • Have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 5 days
  • Have a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees or symptoms of acute respiratory infection such as:
  • Breathing difficulties/shortness of breath
    • Cough
    • Sore throat
    • Runny nose

If you have any concerns or questions around visiting, we are here to help.

Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) and Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) Requests.

Any requests for the release of information pertaining to the above schemes must be done so by an authorised Information Sharing Entity (ISE) and/or Risk Assessment Entity (RAE). The requesting authorised person/agency will need to be vertified prior to the release of information under these schemes.

To request information under one of these schemes please complete the form below and email your request to

East Wimmera Health Service is proud to support and provide care for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) staff, clients and communities. We are committed to making our services welcoming, safe and respectful for everyone.

Celebrating diversity in our community

As a community health service, we welcome and value diversity. We have zero tolerance for discrimination on the basis of sexuality, sex or gender. LGBTIQ+ health and equity is our priority.

You’re welcome at our service

Our community health service is proud to support and provide care for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) staff, clients and communities.

We are committed to making our services welcoming, safe and respectful for everyone.

We know that health service environments can at times be uncomfortable or challenging. All community members to have the right to receive the best health care.

We are continually working to make our services more welcoming and inclusive for LGBTIQ+ people.

We would like to acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the First Peoples and Traditional Owners and Custodians of this Land. We pay our respects to the ancestors of this country, Elders, Knowledge Holders and Leaders, past, present and emerging. We extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people. We at East Wimmera Health Service acknowledge the local traditional owners the Dja Dja Wurrung, Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagalk peoples.

We welcome you to our service where we commit to providing care that is culturally sensitive and meets your needs.

Visit the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Services page for more information.

Freedom of Information Requests

Requests for copies of medical records and other information

Victoria’s Freedom of Information (FOI) laws give every person the right to request access to any document held by the Victorian Government and other Victorian public agencies, including EWHS, and request the amendment of their personal records held by the government or those agencies.

EWHS is also required to comply with the requirements of various pieces of legislation including (but not limited to) the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic); Information Privacy Act 2000; Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), Privacy Act 2000 and takes its responsibility in relation to patient records and other confidential information very seriously.

Under the various laws, a person’s request for access to documents must be granted, unless a specific exemption or exception applies; and a person’s request for amendment of their personal records may lead to a notation being added to those records.

Not all documents are automatically available. The Freedom of Information Act allows EWHS to refuse access to certain documents or information. These documents or information are often called ‘exempt’ documents. In some cases, you may be refused access to an entire document. Alternatively, you may be given access to a document with exempt information deleted.

Here is a list of some documents that you may not be able to access:

  • Cabinet documents
  • Some internal working documents
  • Law enforcement documents
  • Documents covered by legal professional privilege, such as legal advice
  • Documents containing personal information about other people
  • Documents containing information provided to EWHS in confidence
  • Documents containing information provided to EWHS Health by a business
  • Documents which are covered by secrecy provisions in other legislation

In addition, EWHS can deny access to medical records if it is believed that letting a patient see their records would pose a serious threat to their life, health or safety – or pose a threat to the life, health or safety of another person (such as a relative, EWHS or other patients).

This list should not deter you from asking for access as each FOI request and document is assessed on its merits before a decision is made.  Fees may be imposed, depending on the type of information required. An application fee may be waived or reduced, whether or not the fee has been paid, if the payment of the fee would cause hardship to the applicant. S.17 (2B) of the FOI Act.

To make an FOI request, download the application form here.

For more detailed guidance and information in relation to the Freedom of Information Act click here.

For additional information relating to accessing and/or correcting Health Records from a Public Hospital, click here  to go to the Health Complaints Commissioner website.

Feedback helps us improve our services that we provide to the community.

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© Copyright 2024 East Wimmera Health Services. All rights reserved.