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Partnering with and supporting our community

EWHS believes that consumer participation is fundamental to ensuring an effective and responsive health service. EWHS also recognises that client participation is essential to providing information for improvements in individual health outcomes and health service delivery.

Clients can provide unique and valuable insights into health care due to their own experiences of using the health system as a patient, client or carer and as members of a community. Many clients understand what is happening within their community and what they might value.

From EWHS’ point of view, the participation and feedback from clients, carers and the community is particularly important to understand:

If you would like to provide us with feedback, please contact (03) 5477 2241.

The EWHS’ Partnering with Consumers Plan (PWCP) has been developed by the staff of EWHS and with input from our communities. The plan outlines the actions required and the implementation strategies undertaken to ensure that we engage and partner with our communities and achieve the outcomes of Our Culture, Our Values.

Advance care planning involves planning for your future health care. It enables you to make some decisions now about the health care you would or would not like to receive if you were to become seriously ill and unable to communicate your preferences or make treatment decisions.

Advance care planning helps to ensure your loved ones and health providers know what matters most to you and respect your treatment preferences.

There are a range of services available to help members of the community with a range of health related matters.

Aged Care – Consumer and Quality Advisory Body

The Purpose of the Aged Care – Consumer and Quality Advisory Body (CQAB) is to support engagement with skilled and experienced individuals, particularly consumer representatives who have insights and knowledge that can assist EWHS to identify solutions and creative ways forward. The CQAB scope is to advise and make recommendations to the governing body (BOD) on matters relating to the quality and safety of aged care services.

The CQAB has responsibility for ensuring that processes are established and maintained to record, monitor and report relevant information to the BOD in a systematic way, and ensure that effective mechanisms are in place so that the BOD can take action where issues are identified.

The CQAB is able, at any time, to give feedback to the governing body about the quality of the aged care that an approved provider provides through its services.

The CQAB shall consist of members who hold the following positions:

  • Campus Manager [x2]
  • Community Health Representative [x1]
  • Consumer Representative [x5]
  • Director of Clinical Services (Committee Chair)
  • Director of Primary Care
  • Nurse Unit Manager: Residential Aged Care Nurse Unit Manager [x3] and Community Nursing
  • Nurse Unit Manager [x1]
  • Quality and Risk Manager
  • Support Services Manager

In Attendance:

  • Secretariat [Administration Support]

CQAB meetings are held quarterly on the 1st Monday of the month. Additional meetings convened at the discretion of the Chair of the Committee.

The Director of Clinical Service is appointed as the Chair of the Committee.

Feedback helps us improve our services that we provide to the community.

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